Saturday, November 22, 2008

History of Al Aqsa Mosque

The patriarch of all the believers of Allah (God), i.e. Jews, Christians, and Muslims is Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, PBUH). He built the Kaba in Makkah with his firstborn son Ismael (PBUH). This was an order from Allah (SWT) that Ibrahim and Ismael (PBUT) construct this Holy House of Allah (SWT) as a place of worship for all the believers on earth. Ismael (PBUH) was 17 at the time he and his father built the Kaba. Prophet Muhammad (PB UH), a descendent of the Prophet Ismael (PBUH), would come nearly 2,500 years after Kaba was built and repurify it as a holy place of worship according to the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). As stated in the Torah and in the Holy Quran "all the generations will be blessed through I brahim (PBUH)" (Genesis 12 and 18 Holy Bible, Chp 2 Verses 123-141 Holy Quran).
In Jerusalem, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) also established a place of worship. This place would later be known as The House Of Allah (God), or Beteyel. Forty years after the construction of Kaba, Prophet Ibrahim expanded this place of worship. Isaac (PBUH), Prophet Ibrahim's younger son, worshipped in Beteyel, but also made journeys to Kaba in Makkah for Hajj (Pilgrimage) as did Ibrahim (PBUH). Jacob (PBUH) the second son of Isaac (PBUH), extended Beteyel as a place of worship for all the believers of Allah (God) in the region. The natives of the land, the Palestinians, believers in the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), also worshipped in Beteyel or The House Of Allah (God). Ibrahim (PBUH), referred to Beteyel as "Masjid Al-Aqsa", which means the farthest place of worship of the One God. Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), was stating that Masjid Al-Aqsa was the farthest place of worship west of Kaba in Makkah.
Some years later, Prophet Joseph (PBUH), the son of Jacob (PBUH) attained a high position of power in Egypt, he sent for all of his family to come live with him in Egypt away from the poverty of Palestine. There were 33 in all, Jacob (PBUH), his children and his grandchildren (Genesis 46 in the Torah). Because there was no one left from Jacob's (PBUH) tribe to care for Beteyel, Jacob (PBUH), intrusted care of Beteyel or Masjid Al-Aqsa to the natives of the area, the Palestinians. This was acceptable due to the fact that the natives were also followers of the Patriarch, the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). The Israelites remained in Egypt for four hundred years as slaves to the Egyptians with no connection to Palestine, the land from which they immigrated (Genesis 15 Verse 13-17). This choice was not forced on them, they simply chose to leave Palestine for the sake of the wealth and riches in Egypt.
In the time of Prophet Moses (PBUH), the Israelites were still slaves to the Egyptians. Allah (God) ordered Moses (PBUH), after freeing the Israelites from bondage, to lead them to Palestine. The Israelites rejected this order from Allah (God), and preferred to live in the desert of Sinai, rather than to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah (God). They believed this land belonged to the Palestinians, the natives of the area.
For fourty years, the Israelites wandered in the desert of Sinai. A new generation was born, and from it came forth Prophet David (PBUH), he would lead this generation of believers to Palestine. Prophet David (PBUH) established his kingdom in part of Palestine, and controlled Jerusalem. His son, Prophet Soloman (King Solomon) (PBUH) rebuilt Masjid Al-Aqsa with the help of the natives, and next to it he built the ruler's palace. After Prophet Solomon's death, his two sons divided his kingdom amongst themselves. Each son established his own kingdom and each had its own capital. From both of these kingdoms, Allah (God) raised prophets. According to Jewish history, these kingdoms existed for nearly two hundred years.
In 586 B.C., King Je-hoia-chin of Jerusalem, saw that he might lose his kingdom. He was the last Jewish king who tried to resist the Babylonians in Jerusalem. In his struggle, his kingdom was surrounded by the Babylonians who cut off supplies from the outside world. When the inhabitants of Jerusalem ran out of food and water, the king made a tunnel to enable his soldiers to escape and retrieve supplies from the outside world. Part of the tunnel collapsed, the resistance led by King Je-hoia-chin was defeated, and the Babylonians took over Jerusalem. The tunnel used by King Je-hoia-chin, is the same tunnel being excavated today in Jerusalem. After the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem, they took its inhabitants as slaves to Babylon.
The Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed what King Solomon had built in Jerusalem (Kings 2 Chapters 24 and 25 of the Bible). According to the word of God in the Torah, the Israelites were made to be slaves in both the Nile and in the Euphrates.
After seventy years of slavery in Babylon, King Cyrus of Persea gave the Israelites their freedom. At that time very few of the Israelites returned to Palestine. These few Israelites worshipped only in The House Of Allah. For generations, the Israelites took care of Beteyel or Masjid Al-Aqsa. During the period when the Roman Empire was in constant battle with the Persean Empire, the Israelites aided the Perseans, and benefited when the Perseans had control of Jerusalem. Because the Israelites supported the Persean Empire as spies and in other ways, the Romans treated them as enemies of the Roman Empire.
In 70 A.D., the Romans destroyed (burned) Beteyel, and converted it into a place of Roman idol worship (Jupitor,etc.). In 315 A.D., when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, the Romans had no regard for Beteyel. It became a place were the inhabitants of Jerusalem, including the Jews threw their garbage. The Jews no longer considered Beteyel a Holy Shrine.
The Persean Empire defeated the Romans in 614 A.D., the Jews were now able to worship where they wished, but chose not to worship in Beteyel or Masjid Al-Aqsa. The Perseans controlled Jerusalem until 624 A.D. The Jews, who were in a position of power during this period, tortured the Arab Christians. Jerusalem was in need of a just ruler. Both the Christians and the Jews had suffered under different empires, and both knew that the Holy Scriptures promised the coming of a ruler to save them from all this unjust torture and aggression.
The Israelites were awaiting the coming of the Messiah, who would be king and ruler, and would defeat all the evil empires, as promised by Allah (God). The only Prophet in history to have accomplished this task, was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers defeated all the empires of the time, establishing the Kingdom Of God (Islamic State) throughout the region. This included Jerusalem as promised by Allah to the Muslims (Daniel 2 Verse 44 and Mathew 21 Verse 43). The Israelites had tried to fulfill this prophecy in 165 B.C., under the leadership of Judah Makabi. Within three years, he was defeated by the Romans, who regained complete control of Jerusalem. Prophet Jesus (PBUH), was also unable to accomplish this task mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. It was the Prophet from Arabia, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who fulfilled this prophecy.
In 621 A.D., the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to the heavens in the night known as Israa and Mirag to the Muslims (Malachi 3 Verse 1-14). In that night, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led all the Prophets of Allah (PBUT) in prayer in the Holy Mosque (Masjid Al-Aqsa). For this reason, Masjid Al-Aqsa is a holy place of worship for the Muslims, along with Kaba in Makkah and The Prophet's (PBUH) Mosque in Medina. These are the three most important Mosques to the Muslims.
In 637 A.D., the Christian leader of Jerusalem, Snaifors, realized through the holy Scriptures (Zeckariah 9 Verses 9 and 10), that the second leader of the Islamic State, Umar ibn Al-Khatab, fits the description of the one who would open Jerusalem and free it from the evil empires. Snaifors surrendered peacefully. Umar ibn Al-Khatab and the Muslims, after securing Jerusalem, again established Masjid Al-Aqsa as a holy place of worship. Both the Christians and the Jews were pleased with the arrival of Umar and the Muslims, and with the just rule under the Islamic State.
In the eleventh century, the European Christians in the crusades, tortured the Jews and the Muslims. They burned the Jews in the their Temples and they burned the Muslims in Masjid Al-Aqsa. The European Christians even tortured the Arab Christians and destroyed their churches. The Jews fled to Indulis (Spain), to receive protection under Islamic rule or a Muslim society. In 1189 A.D., the leader of the Muslim army, Salah Aldeen Al-Ayobi expelled the European Christians from Jerusalem, and returned Jerusalem to Islamic rule. The Christian, Jews, and Muslims lived in harmony under Islamic rule.
In 1948, with the help of the western powers, the Jews were able to fulfill the promise of the British foreign minister, Bill Ford. This promise was made in 1917 regarding the Jews' return to the holy land, Palestine. In the time of Moses (PBUH), when ordered by Allah (God) to return to Palestine, the Israelites disobeyed the will of Allah (God). Once the Jews again controlled Jerusalem, they expelled and tortured the natives of Palestine from their land, and the area returned to a state of unrest (Haggie 2 Verse 7-9).
In the 1980's, the Israelis started an archaeological project in the area of the Dome of the Rock (Masjid Al-Aqsa). They began excavation claiming that they were searching for the Temple Of King Solomon. They were unable to locate the Temple Of King Solomon, but in the process discover ed the tunnel of King Je-hoia-chin. The Israelis claimed that the search was a success only because they discovered the collapsed tunnel of King Je-hoia-chin, which is in no way related to the Temple of King Solomon. This tunnel has no religious significance, it only has historical significance. The entrance was then sealed and today has been reopened without justification. The significance to the Muslims is well understood, they fear for Masjid Al-Aqsa and its foundation, and that in some way this excavation can damage the Holy Mosque. The significance of this dig to the Jews is not yet understood, clearly there is no religious significance. Prime Minister Netanyahu has said this openly is his news conference at the White House. The question thus remains, why if this archaeological dig can lead to so much unrest, do the Israelis insist that it remain open?
First - all the children of Israel left Jerusalem in the time of Jacob by their own will.
Second - they were unwilling to support Moses (PBUH) and return to the holy land for the sake of Allah (God).
Third - King Je-hoia-chin's tunnel has no religious significance to the Jews, it is merely a historical site. The Israelis continued excavation of the tunnel, may result in damage to Masjid Al-Aqsa.
Fourth - the Israelites abandoned Beteyel in 614 A.D., while under Persean rule.
Fifth - they took Palestine by force and aggression in 1948, and subsequently tortured many Palestinians in the process.
Finally - the Jews do not appreciate all the just treatment that they received from the Muslims throughout history, and as we see today, the Israelis have little concern for the Muslim people, their places of worship, and their property.

For more information you can obtain the book titled, "Prophet Muhammad The last Messenger In The Bible," written by Kais Al-Kalby. This can be ordered by mail, fax, or phone. Write to, P.O. Box 901412 Palmdale, CA 93550. Fax: (805) 266-0450, Phone: (805) 538-9762.
Please, we ask anyone who receives this article, to distribute it to whomever may be interested in reading it or benefit from it. If you are able to publish it, please know that you have the author's permission to do so. With everyone's help, we hope that this information can be read by many. May it please Allah (SWT). Peace, mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you all!
ALLAH: The One GodSWT: The Glorified And The ExaltedPBUH: Peace Be Upon HimPBUT: Peace Be Upon ThemReferences - The Old Testament , The New Testament, and The Holy Quran

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Qur'an and Embryology

History is a witness to persecutions of scientists by the medieval Church and the consequent branding of all religions to be anti-science. This is however not the case with Islam. For Islam is that religion which emphasises on the need to acquire knowledge form the 'Cradle to the grave'. The Prophet of Islam considered the ink of an scholar more precious than the blood of a martyr. he did not discriminate between men and women in this regard and said, "Acquisition of knowledge if compulsory for every believing man and every believing woman. Although the number of literate people in the whole of Arabia at the dawn of Islam could be counted on the fingers of one's hands, the succeeding decades witnessed an enormous upsurge in sceintific development and learning. so much so that the Muslim intellectuals and scientists surpassed even the ancient Romans and Greeks. Modern science owes everything to the knowledge that they obtained from the Muslims.Moreover, Jabin bin Hayyan the father of Chemistry as he is known, was from among one of the students of Imam Sadiq(a.s.), the 5th generation of Holy prophet(s.a.w.s.).But how is it possible for a person brought up in a nomad environment of the 7th century Arabia, to mention things unheard of at that time. Some understood by the world only when science entered its infancy. It was not for nothing that the Prophet (s.a.) said: "I am the city of Knowledge."His message was supposed to last till the day of the judgement. His teachings had to stand the test of time and hence in addition to the above words: "I am the city of Knowledge."He said, "And Ali is its gate."So, this discussion is followed by an extract from the saying of lmam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) the great-grandson of Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.). The saying is famous as Hadith-e-Mufazzal and the part that we have quoted is regarding the development of the human embryo. When we read the words of Imam, we find them in absolute consonance with the Qur'an. Moreover they are in the language of a common man easily understood by all.Scientific Accuracy of Qur'an Amazes University of Toronto ProfessorDr. Keith Moore of the University of Toronto was amazed to find that many modern discoveries in the field of embryology must have been known to the author of the Qur'an, for these facts are either hinted at or stated explicitly in the Qur'an. This is particularly significant because the Qur'an claims to be the verbatim word of God. How could these continue......................

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Can virtue be guarded?

Whenever I read about raids, accidents and denials involving the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, certain questions come to my mind: Can virtue be guarded? Is virtue only related to preventing a relationship between men and women or khulwa (unrelated men and women meeting in seclusion)?
Are there not thousands of ways in which we can build illegitimate relationships away from the eyes of the commission, or society for that matter? Are there not homosexual relationships that cannot be caught because khulwa only applies to a man and a woman in seclusion? Are not corruption, injustice, nepotism, cheating and other ruthless acts a violation of virtue and as such should be caught and punished?
The list of questions can go on and on. Does virtue have specific features so that when we see somebody we can immediately know if he or she is a virtuous person or not? Does a woman wearing an abaya and covering her face, or a man wearing a thobe with a high hemline and a long beard, give enough indication that she or he is virtuous? read more............